On 5/21/05, Peter Rabbitson wrote:
> Hello,
> When perl executes a foreach loop, it creates some kind of array of all the
> iterators 

I'm assuming you mean that this code:
foreach my $num (1..1_000_000) {
creates a one-million number array? No, it doesn't, at least not in
current versions of Perl. Quoting "perldoc perlop": "In the current
implementation, no temporary array is created when the range operator
is used as the expression in foreach loops".

> and then goes over them one by one. Is the current index pointer
> accessible from inside the loop? I was unable to find anything related in
> perlvar.

Neither was I, but I suspect the reason is that if you need a counter,
you should not be using "foreach". Instead, use "for":
for(my $counter = 0; $counter < @array; ++$counter) {

Offer Kaye

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