> Thank you. No guarantees, but try setting 'InactiveDestroy' when you
> create the DB handle. XML::Twig uses a fork/exec call in 'parseurl' to
> retrieve the URL in one process and to parse the XML in the other. When
> the retrieval is complete one of the processes closes with an 'exit'. I
> think because the $dbh is shared (because it just is) you are getting
> the above result. The switch I mentioned appears to be designed for this
> specific case.
> For more info see "InactiveDestroy" here:
> http://search.cpan.org/~timb/DBI-1.48/DBI.pm#ATTRIBUTES_COMMON_TO_ALL_HANDLES
> "This attribute is specifically designed for use in Unix applications
> that "fork" child processes. Either the parent or the child process, but
> not both, should set InactiveDestroy on all their shared handles."
> HTH,

Hm... I get it and I don't get it... Who keeps the sub _dummy - the parent
or the child? I need to use DBI in it so I guess InactiveDestroy must be set
to true there. How do I find out who is who not at the time but after the
fork? Is this portable to win32? (the final version must run on win32 as
Actually from the little I know about forks I thought that both parent and
child get copies of the very same stuff. So both get a "hot" DBI and
DBD::Mysql tied to the same socket... if this is at all possible. On the
other hand I am not using DBI anymore while in the reader (child?), just the
parser, so it shouldn't matter... Wow I am even more confused now :)

All above considered - I guess I would be safer downloading the file 
somewhere and doing safe_parsefile to avoid any forking altogether. 

Thanks for the hint

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