i am having something like this ...
$b = "\xa0\xa0\xa0\x{100}" =~ /(\xa0+)/;
$b =~ \(\xa0+)\;
print "Valid" if ($1 eq "\xa0\xa0\xa0";
print " $b $1";
Here according to the regular expression the $1 should contain the matching 
string. so according $1 should have \xa0\xa0\xa0. This is happening in ASCII 
platform but it is not working in the EBCIDIC.
as x{100} is 2 byte character, \xa0 will also get converted to double byte 
which is valid. The strange thing is in $1 \xa0 is 4 bytes. 
Why is that $1 is containing 4 bytes, why data is not correct. 
PS: all these is happening only in EBCIDIC platform. in ASCII it is fine.

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