>>>>> "Scott" == Scott E Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Scott> Regarding the suggestion to unsubscribe folks who put vacation
messages on
Scott> their account, I'm in a company which considers it very good
practice to do
Scott> so.  They don't actually require it, but it's expected.  We use
Scott> Notes.  I know there's a way to set up a rule that keeps certain
Scott> addresses from getting the vacation auto-reply, but that doesn't
seem like
Scott> it would work for the Perl list, where so many different people are
Scott> senders.

>You shouldn't send a vacation reply when you aren't explicitly listed
>in the headers.  And you shouldn't *ever* send it to a list address.

Thanks.  I was able to set Lotus Notes to exempt the beginners@perl.org
address from auto-replies.  We'll see if that works next month when I'm on
vacation.  I don't see an option to suppress replies when I'm not
explicitly listed in the headers.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<merlyn@stonehenge.com> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
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Scott E. Robinson
DMPO Data Quality & Best Practices
CORP-RR-306 -- 281-654-5169
CORP-EMB-2813N -- 713-656-3629

             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                
             (Randal L.                                                 To 
             Schwartz)                beginners@perl.org                   
             06/06/05 03:28                                        Subject 
             PM                       Re: [OT] Is there a policy regarding 
                                      subscrjbers with challenge/respo nse 
                                      mail filters?                        

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