> > my $localtime;
> > @$localtime{qw / second minute hour mday month year weekday yearday isdst /
> } =
> > localtime(time);
> > 
> > [1] A style nit:
> Speaking of nitpicks:
> my %localtime;

Assuming you are suggesting making that change, I'd reccomend against
it, unless you wish to elicit the following error:

Global symbol "$localtime" requires explicit package name at /tmp/try line 12.
Global symbol "$localtime" requires explicit package name at /tmp/try line 14.
Execution of /tmp/try aborted due to compilation errors.

However, leaving it as:

my $localtime; 
@$localtime{qw / second minute hour mday month
                 year weekday yearday isdst /} = localtime(time); 
print Dumper $localtime; 

Will result in the following output:

$VAR1 = {
          'weekday' => 5,
          'hour' => 11,
          'month' => 5,
          'second' => 25,
          'isdst' => 1,
          'minute' => 27,
          'yearday' => 160,
          'mday' => 10,
          'year' => 105

> > ##
> > ##
> > 
> > for my $index ( 0 .. $#person ) {
> >     print "merely bad $person[$index]\n";
> > }
> This is not Bad Perl. This is a solution to a problem that the
> following code will not solve. Sometimes you need $index, sometimes
> you don't.

I concede the point -- it is not Bad Perl.  It is Bad Programming, using
Perl as the platform for badness :)

The subtle point I was trying to make was: Needing $index is
frequently a sign of bad data design.  Not always, mind you -- but it
should be a flashing yellow light meaning "am I doing something lame

> > ##
> > ##
> > 
> > for my $person (@person) {
> >     print "Hello $person\n";
> > }

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
        Lawrence Statton - [EMAIL PROTECTED] s/aba/c/g
Computer  software  consists of  only  two  components: ones  and
zeros, in roughly equal proportions.   All that is required is to
sort them into the correct order.

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