Angerstein wrote:


I have a problem reading strings out of a binaery file.

perldoc -f binmode

The last 128 Byte of the File contains  a String I want to work with.

(sorry, this code is windows, feel free to flame me ^^)
my $tsize = 128;
my $fsize = (-s "d:\\mp3\\forseti.mp3");
my $offset = ($fsize - $tsize);
open(INF, "d:\\mp3\\forseti.mp3");
seek(INF, $offset, 0);
$tag = <INF>;

I would write that as:

use Fcntl ':seek';

my $tsize = 128;
my $file  = 'd:/mp3/forseti.mp3';
open INF, '<', $file        or die "Cannot open $file: $!";
binmode INF;
seek INF, -$tsize, SEEK_END or die "Cannot seek $file: $!";
read INF, my $tag, $tsize   or die "Cannot read $file: $!";

@id3v1 = split (//, $tag);
$id3v_t =  unpack("B8","$id3v1[125]");

Do you really need to split() $tag?

my $id3v_t =  unpack 'B8', substr $tag, 125, 1;

print $id3v_t;
I get:


If I print the whole string it looks like:
        This is         what            I get                   2002
^^^^^^       ^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^^     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The Parts I markt are no whitespaces. They are binaery 00000000.

Is there something I could do to transform or remove this null-chars?
(Something small and smart.)

$tag =~ tr/\0/ /s;

use Perl;

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