People of the Perl,

I have a need to develop some logic to automatically pick up a publc key
for my gpg keyring.  I will use cURL ( client for URL lookups ) language
for the actual download , but the catch is the expiration time of our key
which is 2005-11-16.  So I want to say if calc data =~ current date then
call cURL.
I tried an ascii increment but this only incremented from 2005-06-23 to
2006.  Maybe I am going about this all wrong???
My like operator really needs to say + - 7 days from 2005-11-16 then call
cURL and check for a new public key.

Here is my code:

require 5.8.0;
use strict;
use warnings;

# for talx expiration date of their pubkey 2005-11-16

our $time = $^T;
$ENV{"PATH"} =

##--## Begin Routines ##--##

        sub dateme
                my ($year,$month,$day) = (localtime)[5,4,3];
                sprintf ("%04d-%02d-%02d\n", ($year += 1900),
my $curtdate = &dateme();
#print $curtdate,"\n";

        sub date_manip_fwd_6mths
                use constant ONE_DAY => 86400;
                use constant THIRTY_DAYS => ONE_DAY * 30;
                use constant SIX_MTHS => THIRTY_DAYS * 5;
                my $days = (shift);
                my ($y,$m,$d) = (localtime($time + $days)) [5,4,3];
                sprintf ("%04d-%02d-%02d", ($y += 1900), $m+1,$d);

my $calcdate = &date_manip_fwd_6mths(SIX_MTHS);
#print $calcdate,"\n";
#my $calcdate = &date_manip_fwd_6mths();

##--## Main ##--##
        print "$calcdate\n$curtdate";
        if ( $calcdate eq $curtdate ) {
                print "YES\n";
                print "$calcdate\n$curtdate";




Derek B. Smith
OhioHealth IT
UNIX / TSM / EDM Teams

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