Chris Devers wrote:

>On Fri, 24 Jun 2005, Pablo Wolter wrote:
>>I was searching how to do this but I have no idea if it is possible in 
>All things are possible :-)
>Well okay maybe not *all*, but if you can describe in detail what you 
>want to do, you can, in general, find a way to make it work in almost 
>any language, including Perl. The trick is the "in detail" part...
>>I have data like this:
>How is your data, exactly? Is this the contents of a database table? Is 
>it in a CSV text file, or just raw ASCII text? Do you already have some 
>kind of two-way matrix in array of arrays? Something else?
My data comes from log files and the rows cols are different depending
in what users are selecting in our application. This "matriz" style data
comes with some lines in the top and some lines down that I'll be
interested too depending in the content of data (I know how to extract
and process this part). I'm a kind of lost with the "matrix" like data.

>There's a lot of ways that this problem, in the abstract, could be 
>solved, but the details will vary considerably depending on what the 
>starting data looks like. For starters, it would help to have a clearer 
>idea of what form the data is coming in as, and how it's being stored, 
>either in your program or externally (file, database, etc). 
>But in general, yeah, there are techniques for, essentially, getting the 
>X,Y coordinates of a grid element. It may be overkill, but if you're 
>looking for a book with such things, _Mastering Algorithms with Perl_ 
>may not be a bad place to look. 
I'll take a look on that book. I already have Perl Cookbook and Learning
Perl and Programming Perl but I don't get it from there....or I need to
read more pages...could be.

Thanks for the help, as soon I get some code I'll show it to you


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