On Wed, 6 Jul 2005, madhurima das wrote:

Kindly tell the pseudocode to solve the following

  An user input is provided to a perl program by
STDIN. This input is utilised by a fortran program to
perform some function. How do i connect both the
programs & get the output from the fortran program to
the user via the perl program itself.
   Waiting for an early response. thanking you...

Here's some pseudocode:

    $response = get_user_input();
    $result   = have_fortran_work_on( $response );
    $finish   = tell_user_about( $result );
        # maybe or maybe not do anything with $finish

For the Fortran bit I've stubbed into have_fortran_work_on(), the usual way to do this, short of an Inline::Fortran module on CPAN (there doesn't seem to be one, though there are ones like Inline::C, etc), is to make a system() call to the external program.


Try using a system() call in your own pseudocode for have_fortran_work_on().

If you're stuck, ask more specific questions, and show what you've tried so far.

Chris Devers

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