> Hey,
> I am making an IRC bot to bridge 2 channels on different networks. 
> For this I need to scan 2 sockets for data.  How do I do this?  This
> is how I do 1 socket:
> while(my $input = <$sock>)
> {
>      .........
> }

Ah, a whole 'nother level...

So in general you are talking about multiplexing, and you are probably
best off with picking up a good book on how to do this correctly. I
would highly suggest Network Programming with Perl by Lincoln Stein. The
lowest level (that I know of) way to do this is with the select() function,

perldoc -f select

But that gets *real* hairy, real fast. You might be better off looking
into IO::Select which is standard and has a nice little example on the
doc page.

Though I agree with the other poster that suggested looking into POE and
its components, since a lot of this has already been written. POE
handles multitasking/multiplexing like a dream. If you are doing this to
learn, then kudos. If you are doing this for any other reason then this
is one wheel you don't want to reinvent.


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