Had earlier stated my problem :
User gives an input to the perl program which next
does some function in a fortran program & finally the
output of the fortran program is passed on to the perl
which finally conveys it to the user.
 Thanks to all responses due to which i got an approx
solution to the problem as given under :

##perl program##

use strict;
use warnings;

my($USAGE) = "$0 TEST\n\n";

        print $USAGE;

my($x) = $ARGV[0];
my($y) = $ARGV[1];

my $outputfile = "outputfile";
print OUTFILE "$x\n$y";

my $res = system("./a.out");

my $resultfile = "fort.2";
my $z = <RESULTFILE>;
print "\n$z\n";


##fortran77 program##
         OPEN(UNIT=1, FILE='outputfile', STATUS='OLD')
         READ(1,*) X,Y
         Z = X + Y
         WRITE(2,*) Z

 My program is running fine. But i have a small query
in order to improve my program. I want to pass the
user input values to the fortran77 in command line
itself without using any files as intermediate. Can
you please guide the changes i need to do in the
program both of perl & fortran & the exact compilation
statement combining both the programs. 
 Kindly suggest. Waiting for an early
response..Thanking you..


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