--- Chris Devers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 11 Jul 2005, Ron Smith wrote:
> > Insecure dependency in open while running with -T
> switch at 
> > C:/www/cgi-bin/upload_save.cgi line 42.
> What do you see on line 42?
> It seems to be in Store_Results():
> > sub Store_Results{
> >  my $data;
> >  my $mime =
> uploadInfo($file_name)->{'Content-Type'};
> >  open (STORAGE, ">$directory/$file") or die
> "Error: $directory/$file: $!\n"; # line 42<======
> >  if ($mime !~ /text/) {
> >   binmode ($file_name);
> >   binmode (STORAGE);
> >  }
> >  while (read($file_name, $data, 1024)) {
> >   print STORAGE $data;
> >  }
> >  close STORAGE;
> > }
> In other words, it chokes when you try to write to
> the dynamically 
> selected file, $directory/$file. 
> Unfortunately, this is exactly the sort of thing
> that taint mode is 
> supposed to be catching. Read the perldoc on it for
> details:
> >From the command line, if available:
>     $ perldoc perlsec
> Or read it from perldoc.perl.org:
>     <http://perldoc.perl.org/perlsec.html>
> Hope this helps clarify things.
> * ** *** ***** ******* *********** *************
> *****************
> On an entirely unrelated note, if you get in the
> habit of consistently 
> indenting your code now, you'll be *much* happier a
> year or five from 
> now when you're trying to maintain code you wrote
> when you started out. 

I agree and have taken your advice. I've also turned
off "color and graphics" in my messages, so I can post
replies where needed, instead of top posting. :-)

> Here's 
> how I might have written the subroutine in question:
>     sub Store_Results{
>         my ( $file_name, $directory, $file ) = @_;
>         my $data;
>         my $mime =
> uploadInfo($file_name)->{'Content-Type'};
>         open (STORAGE, ">$directory/$file")
>             or die "Error: $directory/$file: $!\n";
> line 42<======
>         if ($mime !~ /text/) {
>             binmode ($file_name);
>             binmode (STORAGE);
>         }
>         while (read($file_name, $data, 1024)) {
>             print STORAGE $data;
>         }
>         close STORAGE;
>     }
> Note also that I explicitly pulled in arguments,
> rather than using 
> globals. This will mean changing the sub call to
>    Store_Results( $file_name, $directory, $file );
> but writing it that way will also just serve to
> clarify things and make 
> it easier to maintain the program when you look at
> it again years later.

I also took you suggestion here too. I does make
things more clear and understandable.

I still get the error with the -T switch though, so
I'll check out the suggested reading.

Thanks Chris

> * ** *** ***** ******* *********** *************
> *****************
> You don't have to follow the details of how I'm
> doing this if you don't 
> want to, but at least choose some conventions and
> stick to them. Doing 
> so will, I promise, save you headaches in the long
> run :-)
> -- 
> Chris Devers

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