Jakob Kofoed wrote:

I have a file with some navigation (x and y's) and needed to fill in
point between exiting points.

My in put file:
600000  6174210
600017  6174213
600028  6174206
600035  6174216
600045  6174209

For calculation I need to use line 1 and 2 for calculating one point
and then line 2 and 3 and so on ...
I solved it by using Xaviers tip on Tie::File:

use Tie::File;
tie my @line, 'Tie::File', $ARGV[0] or die "could not open $ARGV[0]: $!";
my $cnt1 = 0;
my $cnt2 = 0;
while ( $cnt1 < $ARGV[1] ) {
       #print " $cnt1 $cnt2\n";
       my @rec1 = split(' ', $line[$cnt1]);
       my @rec2 = split(' ', $line[$cnt2]);
       my $newin = (($rec1[0] - $rec2[0]) / 2) + $rec2[0];
       my $newxl = (($rec1[1] - $rec2[1]) / 2) + $rec2[1];
       print "@rec1\n";
       print "$newin $newxl\n";
       $cnt1 = $cnt2;

This code will not print the very last line of the file. You need to add the
line (below) after  you exit the while loop.

print "@rec2\n";

where $ARGV[1] is the number of lines in the file.

How do you know beforehand the number of lines in the file?

By the way, I think that the test in the while loop should be:

while ( $cnt1 < $ARGV[1] - 1 ) {

Could I have used an array as you mentioned in the bottom of your comment?

Yes, you could have (and not needed both: Tie::File and $ARGV[1]). The code below
reads the file in $ARGV[0] into @line

my @line = <>;

while ($cnt1 < $#line) {

As a last note, I wouldn't have read the whole file into an array (which is
often called 'slurping' a file) and wouldn't have needed to keep the 2 count
variables. Instead, I used $first and $second to capture the needed lines.
This way, if you are dealing with a very large file, you only read 1 line at
a time into memory instead of 'slurping' the entire file into an array. But
the method you chose should work as well (if not a huge file).  :-)

use strict;
use warnings;

my $first;
my $second;

while (<>) {
   $first = $_, next unless $first;
   $second = $_;
   my @rec1 = split ' ', $first;
   my @rec2 = split ' ', $second;
   my $newin = (($rec1[0] - $rec2[0]) / 2) + $rec2[0];
   my $newxl = (($rec1[1] - $rec2[1]) / 2) + $rec2[1];
   print "$first\n";
   print "$newin  $newxl\n";
   $first = $second;
print "$second\n";


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