One other thing that's bugging me about this is how to provide the config data to the scripts at runtime in a web environment.

If this were a one-time script it would be simple to hard-code them in, but we expect to be able to re-use the package for multiple client environments.

The constraints of a web-environment prevent me from creating a file in the DOCUMENT_ROOT directory to hold the username,pass,database data (in say a YAML format file) although nothing is preventing me from using the form data to create a tmpfile and then sending that file to the user as a download with instructions on where to place it.

Or, alternatively, at install time, I could have a subscriber_config executable script set up such that it creates a file along the lines of how CPAN's config works (possibly)... again I'm up against the constraints of which directories Apache will have access to when serving the content.

it's easy enough to create an .htsub_config file in DOCUMENT_ROOT and ensure that .htaccess or /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf has something along the lines of:

<Files ~ "^\.ht">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all

that would prevent the contents of the file form being served to end-users but still allow access to them from the scripts being run on the server.

But I'll need some way to generate the file (either from the command line at install time, or from the web at setup/configure time), and also to parse it at script-runtime so that I can populate Subscriber::DB with the access information.

a pretty nest of thorns to step carefully through, no matter what. *sigh* :)

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