Is there an easier, more compact way to convert two arrays, on with keys and the other with values, into a hash?

I have this sample code:

     1  #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
     3  my $hash ;
     4  my @keys =qw(col1 col2 col3);
     5  @vals=qw(a b c);
     6  for ($i=0; $i<=2 ; $i++) {
     7    $hash->{$keys[$i]}=$vals[$i] ;
     8  }
    10  print join("\t", keys %$hash) . "\n";
    11  print join("\t", values %$hash) . "\n";

which works:

  $ ./
  col3    col1    col2
  c       a       b

However, I've tried to replace the for loop with something more compact, but this doesn't work. That is, I've replace lines 6-8 with this line:

  $hash->[EMAIL PROTECTED]@vals;

But get this:

  $ ./

Can this be done, or is the for loop the "accepted" way?

- Robert
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