On Jul 21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

I am wanting to improve my code b/c I am making 3 identical system calls.
So I thought a subroutine with that one call and LABELS for each condition
would improve it.

sub finger {

open (GPG, "gpg --fingerprint |") or die "unable to open pipe sys call
+ (1)... Broken? $!";

for (;<GPG>;) {
  EXP: if ( /(?i)expires/ ) { ... }
  FPR: if (/talx/ig .. /expire/ig) { ... }
    KEY: if ( /(?i)pub/ and /(?i)talx/) { ... }

close (GPG) or die "unable to close pipe sys call (0)... Broken? $!";


That looks fine. There's really no *need* for the labels, though. You're not using them, except below, where you're using them incorrectly:

&finger(goto EXP);

I think you just want to write:


I haven't taken a guess at what function(goto XYZ) does, but if I had to, I'd say it wouldn't end up calling the function at all, and just go to XYZ, which might be a problem, given that (in your case) the label is defined INSIDE a function.

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