On Jul 22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

I am replacing it since there are some % sign in the strings being
passed making the program crash. Replacement solves the problem as such,
but wanted to countercheck, If these replacements could create any
problem anywhere else! , or lator in the program?

The only problem there might be is that print() is susceptible to to the $, and $\ variables. The $, variable defines what gets printed in between the list of strings you pass to print(), and $\ defines what gets printed after the strings you pass to print(). Both default to the empty string, but if you were to change them, for some reason, print()s output would be affected (but printf()s would not).

  print "a", "b", "c";  # abc

  $, = "!";
  print "a", "b", "c";  # a!b!c

  $\ = "?";
  print "a", "b", "c";  # a!b!c?

But this is not likely to happen, methinks.

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