On Jul 25, Denis N. said:

my $selectHandle = $dbh->prepare(...);
my @data = $selectHandle->fetchrow_array();
$self->[1] =  \$data;

That should be [EMAIL PROTECTED], not \$data.

my $selectHandle = $dbh->prepare(...);
$self->[1] =  $selectHandle->fetchrow_arrayref();

The second one is not correct because it turned out that fetchrow_arrayref()
return reference to the same array (as described in man page).


Is there a syntax for obtaining the reference to the array returned by the
function without copying it first?

Well, since fetchrow_array() returns a list (not an array, and not an array ref), the best you can hope for right now is

  $self->[1] = [ $selectHandle->fetchrow_array() ];

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