Luinrandir am Montag, 25. Juli 2005 21.42:
> I am just learning about making and using my own packages and moduals
> I have a CGI that requires a package.

or: "uses"

> the package is 
> a subroutine that is called on in the main program(CGI) 
> The subroutine works fine as a sub 


> in the main program. 
> but when I put it in a package, it does not work.

you have a namespace issue here, see below.

> I thought requiring it (in the first 10 lines of the main program) would be
> enough to use is..
> do I have to call on it? 
> Main program
> require package
> do stuff here....
> subroutine;
> sub subroutine
> {
>     do stuff here
> }
> OR---------
> Main program
> require package
> do stuff here....
> subroutine;
> sub subroutine
> {
>     call package???
> }

In both code snippets, you redefine subroutine, which is not what you want.

you probably want:

a) the module:

package MyPackage;
use strict;
use warnings;

mysub {


b) in your main script:

use MyPackage;  # use your package
MyPackage::mysub(...);  # call qualified sub from it

You could use the Exporter module to avoid the qualified call of the sub 
defined in your module. I personally prefer to write more and call qualified 
subs from my modules, because it is then obvious where they are defined and 
it is easyer to search for them.

See the perl doc

        perldoc perlmod 

for information about modules and their usage.


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