Hi All~
my program below is not returning any errors but nothing is happening to the
.txt files like I hoped.  Can someone pls take a look and let me know what
I'm doing wrong.  
----- Thank you! ----
# If there is a .pdf file and a matching .txt file, open the .txt file and s
%  http://.*  %  "$link"  %  
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
my $pdf_dir = "j:/flash_host/ecomm/descriptions/product/MSDS";
    opendir(PDFDIR, $pdf_dir) or die "Can't open the $pdf_dir: $!\n";
# read file/directory names in that directory into @htmls
my @pdfs = readdir(PDFDIR) or die "Unable to read current dir:$!\n";
my $text_dir = "c:/brian/descriptions/product/small";
    opendir (TEXTDIR, $text_dir) or die "Can't open $text_dir: $!";
# read all the .txt files and load @ARGV for <> operator
@ARGV = map { "$text_dir/$_" } grep { !/^\./ } readdir TEXTDIR;
$PDFDIR_LIST{$_}=1 for @pdfs;
foreach my $text_file (<>) {
        my ($basename, $suffix) = fileparse($text_file,'.txt');
 my $link = "descriptions/product/small/$basename.pdf";
 if( $PDFDIR_LIST{"$basename.pdf"} ){
 open FH, $text_file or die "can't open $text_file: $!";
        s% http://.* % $link %;
close (FH);
closedir (TEXTDIR);
Brian Volk
HP Products
317.298.9950 x1245

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