prakash m wrote:
> I have written a small code which will just try to split a string
> based on the Key. -----------------
> $val="sample1a+2.8sample2a+2.8sample3a";
> print "String=$val\n";
> print "split Key: 2.8\n";
> @arr=split(/2.8/,$val);
> foreach $i (@arr)
> {
>   print "**Split value: $i\n";
> }
> print "******************\n";
> print "split Key: a+2.8\n";
> @arr1=split(/a+2.8/,$val);
> foreach $j (@arr1)
> {
>   print "**Split value: $j\n";
> }
> ----------------
> The first case the key is 2.8 and the output is correct, but if i
> want to split the string based on key "a+2.8" it's giving an improper
> result. 
> String=sample1a+2.8sample2a+2.8sample3a
> split Key: 2.8
> **Split value: sample1a+
> **Split value: sample2a+
> **Split value: sample3a
> ******************
> split Key: a+2.8
> **Split value: sample1a+2.8sample2a+2.8sample3a
> Can anyone tell me what changes are needed to split the string based
> on "a+2.8" 

        If really a+2.8 then /a\+2\.8/ would be the split. The + has meaning in 
the regex as give me 1 or more a's. Also should \ the period since a+218 would 
be a valid split on a\+2.8 where the . says anything can be there.

Wags ;)
> Thanks,
> Prakash
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