Vineet Pande <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> In the following code which reads a file.txt (SEE ATTACHMENT) where I
> am trying to understand how to put the DNA sequence in to a single
> string...  
> print "enter file with DNA sequence: ";
> $seqfile = <STDIN>;
> chomp $seqfile;
> unless ( open(DNAFILE, $seqfile) )
> {
> print "can't open!!\n";
> exit;
> }
> @dna = <DNAFILE>;
> close DNAFILE;

# If only you did the following to remove the newlines from each line of
the file.

> $dna = join( '', @dna);
> print "$dna\n";
> THE OUTPUT IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS IN file.txt.....Why don't we get
> the string joined...of course i agree i must clean whitespace...bu
> then what is expected out of join( '', ....). WHAT '' means?  

'' means null string.



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