On 8/9/05, Wagner, David --- Senior Programmer Analyst --- WGO
> Alex wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I need some help to fix a problem in mailgraph.pl script. I'm not a
> > perl programmer, so i hope to find a little help here...
> >
> > I need to translate an old code which is parsing my maillog file, into
> > new one, related to my present needs.
> >
> > The old code has worked with old vexira logging style (now
> > deprecated).... Lines in my maillog was something like:
> >
> > Aug  7 13:40:28 pharma vgatefwd[1532]: VIRUS bla bla bla
> >
> > Here comes old code:
> >         elsif($prog eq 'vagatefwd') {
> >                 # Vexira antivirus
> >                 if($text =~ /^VIRUS/) {
> >                         event($time, 'virus');
> >                 }
> >         }
> >
> > The new code (rewrited by me), should work with new vexira logging
> > style... lines in my maillog as following:
> >
> > Aug  7 13:40:28 pharma hook[2446]: ***** Virus (I-Worm.Netsky.Q1)
> > killed with file delete!
> >
> > Here come the new code....
> >         elsif($prog eq 'hook') {
> >                 # Vexira antivirus
> >                 if($text =~ /^\([\*]+\) Virus\b/) {
>         No it won't work for you. You are asking for a start of line then a 
> paren followed by zero or more * then a paren, a space the the word Virus. 
> You can try something like:
>                 if($text =~ /\s\*{1,}\s{1,}Virus\b/)
> where you are looing for a space followed by 1 or more *, 1 or more spaces 
> then Virus.
> Wags ;)
> >                         event($time, 'virus');
> >                 }
> >         }
> >
> > Is my new code correct? If no, how should it be?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Alex

There must be more going on here. The original regex matches at the
beginning of the line--'^VIRUS'--so everything up to the space
following the colon must be stripped before the regex in the if
conditional gets it.  '$text =~ /^VIRUS/' doesn't match on 'Aug 7 blah
blah blah'. In that case, simply replacing /^VIRUS/ with /^Virus/
should work fine. or better yet:

if ( $text =~ /^virus/i ) {

I think we need to see more of the code, though, to be sure of what's going on.


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