Anybody knows what the nmake error means? 

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 1.50
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1988-94. All rights reserved.

        C:\activePerl\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(
0, 'inc', 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t\0-signature.t t\1-basic.t
t\0-signature....'gpg' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Cannot use GnuPG or Crypt::OpenPGP, please install either one first!
Not in MANIFEST: blib/arch/auto/Parse/Binary/.exists
Not in MANIFEST: blib/lib/auto/Parse/Binary/.exists
Not in MANIFEST: blib/lib/Parse/.exists
Not in MANIFEST: blib/lib/Parse/
Not in MANIFEST: blib/lib/Parse/Binary/
Not in MANIFEST: blib/lib/Parse/Binary/FixedFormat/
Not in MANIFEST: Makefile
Not in MANIFEST: pm_to_blib
==> MISMATCHED content between MANIFEST and distribution files! <==
t\0-signature....FAILED test 1
        Failed 1/1 tests, 0.00% okay
Failed Test     Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t\0-signature.t                1    1 100.00%  1
Failed 1/2 test scripts, 50.00% okay. 1/2 subtests failed, 50.00% okay.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe' : return code '0xff'

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