
I have been trying to get a UDP packet sent out using Net::RawIP but am having issues.

Here is a peice I code I have tried for testing:

my $a;
my $p;
my $f;
my $ipid = int rand 5000 + 100;
$a = new Net::RawIP;
                ip => {    saddr => '',
                                daddr => '',
                                id => $ipid,
                                frag_off => 0,
                                tos => 0,
                                protocol => 0x11
                udp => { source => 1234,
                                dest  => 80,
                                len => 9,
                                data=> chr(0)}

Now the packet is sent out but when I view it in ethereal under the "User Datagram Protocol" section it is showing the source port, destination port and len as all having a value of 0.

I have also tried providing the port numbers as HEX, as that is what I had to do to get the protocol set to UDP.


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