Tony Frasketi wrote:
> Hello Listers


> I'm getting the following error when executing the function listed below...

It is a warning not an error.

>   cimagedisp_new.cgi: Use of uninitialized value in hash
>   element at /.../cimagedisp_new.cgi line 238, <FILE> line 69.

perldoc perldiag

       Use of uninitialized value%s
           (W uninitialized) An undefined value was used as if it were
           already defined.  It was interpreted as a "" or a 0, but
           maybe it was a mistake.  To suppress this warning assign a
           defined value to your variables.

           To help you figure out what was undefined, perl tells you
           what operation you used the undefined value in.  Note,
           however, that perl optimizes your program and the operation
           displayed in the warning may not necessarily appear literally
           in your program.  For example, "that $foo" is usually
           optimized into ""that " . $foo", and the warning will refer
           to the "concatenation (.)" operator, even though there is no
           "." in your program.

> 223 #-------------------------------------------------------------
> 224 # Build a hash of pricelist names/ids from an inc file
> 225 #  my(%plhash) = &build_pricelist_hash($plnameid_file);
> 226 #-------------------------------------------------------------
> 227 sub build_pricelist_hash {
> 228   my($file) = @_;
> 229
> 230   my(%plhash) = ();
> 231   if(!open(FILE,$file)) {
> 232      &abort_program("<b>FILE ERROR:</b><br>Can't open file
> $file<br>\n[$!]");
> 233   }
> 234   my($i) = 0;
> 235   while (<FILE>) {
> 236      chop $_;
> 237      my($name,$id) = split(/\|/,$_);
> 238      $plhash{$id} = $_;

The variable $id has the value 'undef' and is therefore producing this
warning.  From the warning message it looks like line 69 of $file does
not contain the '|' character.

$ perl -le'
for ( "one|two", "one two", "one|two|three" ) {
    my ( $one, $two ) = split /\|/;
    print defined $one ? ">$one< " : "one=undef ",
          defined $two ? ">$two< " : "two=undef ";
>one< >two<
>one two< two=undef
>one< >two<

Also, you should use chomp() instead of chop().

use Perl;

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