On Tue, 16 Aug 2005, Timothy Johnson wrote:

> This is not a beginners question.  This is a free script question.  Try
> looking for a free script list.

To be fair, this *is* a real problem.

The thing is, like many real problems, it has already been solved.


The tool that Harold is looking for is a package manager.

The package manager to use depends on the platform he's using. 

For example, on Debian Linux, the APT toolkit is absolutely superb for 
this sort of thing, and it has tools for building & installing Perl 
modules as Apt-managed packages (look up dh-make-perl for starters). 

If you're stuck with Red Hat or another Linux, then you might have to 
deal with RPM, which may or may not have equivalent to dh-make-perl; I'm 
not sure, as I haven't used Red Hat in a few years. 

Likewise, there are similar tools for Windows, Solaris, OSX, Irix, etc. 

The point is simple: yes, cleaning up manual installs can be annoying, 
so the fix is to avoid manual installs if you don't want to deal with 
that problem.  Find out what package manager[s] are popular on the OS 
platform you're using, and figure out how to use it to install the Perl 
modules you need. Chances are, most of the popular modules will already 
have packages available, and if not, there may be HOWTOs explaining how 
to set up your own packages for other modules. 

This wheel has already been reinvented lots of times. :-)

Chris Devers

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