On Fri, Aug 19, 2005 at 05:01:04PM +0530, Sastry wrote:
> Hi Nicholas
> With reference to my previous mail on encoding module
> use Encode;
> $string = "a";
> $enc_string = encode("iso-8859-16", $string);
> print "\n String: $string\n";
> print "\n enc_string: $enc_string\n";
> a)How different are those ext/Encode/def_t.c and
> ext/Encode/Byte/byte_t.c  files in EBCDIC and ASCII platforms?

I don't know. I have no experience of EBCDIC. The files describe converting
from perl's internal representation to a fixed external representation.
So I assume that they have to differ because the internal representation

> b) Why is it when I copied the above .c files from ASCII platform to
> EBCDIC worked for any codepage except  IBM-1047 codepage on EBCDCI
> platform?

I don't know. How thorough are the tests? Do the tests check for the
conversion of characters with Unicode code points >127?

You're asking questions beyond my knowledge.

Nicholas Clark

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