Bryan R Harris wrote:
> I'd like to open 2-way pipe to a tool that we have here.  It's called
> yprtool and once it's open, you give it 3 numbers to its STDIN and it spits
> out 3 numbers to its STDOUT.  It stays open until you ctrl-c it.
> What's the correct syntax for opening something like this?
> This doesn't work:
> **************************************
> $yprtool = '/Users/bh/Library/models/yprtool';
> open(YPRTOOL, "+<$yprtool|") or die "open error blah";
> print YPRTOOL "$a $b $c\n";
> $return = <YPRTOOL>;
> close(YPRTOOL) or die "a cruel death";
> **************************************
> I think the problem is in the "+<", but I'm not sure.
> - B

Check out the IPC::Open2 and IPC::Open3 modules, they are standard.

perldoc IPC::Open2
perldoc IPC::Open3

Additionally there is good information available in,

perldoc perlipc

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