Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan wrote:
On Aug 15, Scott R. Godin said:

Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan wrote:

Oh, Jolly Good! though I'm somewhat concerned with how much memory that would take up. Ultimately this would be running as a cgi processing a web-form submission.

Unless you're dealing with thousands of elements in your array, I wouldn't expect a noticeable effect.

Then you would simply poll @discount to find out the rate; this is assuming $quantity is some positive number:

  my $rate = ($discount[$quantity] || $discount[-1]) / 100;

almost. when $discount[1] = 0 that makes it assume the 55% discount instead. see below.

Oh, right, my bad.

Ultimately it worked out to the below. I'd be interested in seeing any further suggestions you all may have.

use Carp qw{carp croak};

{# closure to retain value tables for subs in this section
  my (@discount, %price, @shiprate);
  while ( <DATA> )
    if ( /^quantity/)
      my($lower, $upper, $disc);
      if ( ($lower, $upper, $disc) =  /(\d+)\s+-\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)%\s*$/ )
        @discount[$lower..$upper] = ($disc) x ($upper - $lower + 1);
      elsif ( ($lower, $disc) = /(\d+)\+\s+(\d+)%\s*$/ )
        $discount[$lower] = $disc;
        die "unsupported discount line (#$.): '$_'";
    if ( /^price/ )
      if (my($book, $retail) = /(\w+)\s+\$([\d.]+)\s*$/)
        $price{$book} = $retail;
        die "unsupported price line (#$.): '$_'";
    if ( /^shipping/ )
      if ( my($lower, $upper, $rate) = /(\d+)\s+-\s+(\d+)\s+\$(\d+)\s*$/ )
        @shiprate[$lower .. $upper] = ($rate) x ($upper - $lower + 1);
        die "unsupported shipping line (#$.): '$_'";
    warn "nonmatching line in DATA table (#$.): '$_'";

  sub _discount (@)
    my(@quantities, $qty) = @_;
    $qty += $fields{$_}[0] for @quantities;
    return 0 unless defined($qty) and $qty =~ /^\d+$/ and $qty > 0;
    return ((defined($discount[$qty]) ? $discount[$qty] : $discount[-1]) / 100);

  sub _price ($)
    my $book = shift;
    croak "Unknown book $book" unless exists $price{$book};
    return $price{$book};

  sub _shipping
    my( @books ) = keys %price;
    my $total_quantity = 0;
    foreach my $book ( @books )
      croak "Unknown Book $book " unless exists $price{$book};

      if ( $fields{"${book}_quantity"}[0] =~ /^\d+$/)
        $total_quantity += $fields{"${book}_quantity"}[0];
        croak("Invalid Quantity for '$book' : '",
            $fields{"${book}_quantity"}[0]. "'" );
    #quantity less than or equal to highest quantity we ship in one box
    if ($total_quantity <= $#shiprate )
      return ( $shiprate[$total_quantity] );
    my $total_shipping =
      ($shiprate[-1] * int($total_quantity / $#shiprate))
      + $shiprate[ $total_quantity % $#shiprate ];
    return $total_shipping;

  my %unit;
  sub _unit ($)
    my $book = shift;
    croak "Unknown book $book" unless exists $price{$book};
    return $unit{$book} if $unit{$book};
    my $price = _price($book)
      or croak "Warning: DATA contains No Price for $book";
    my $rate = _discount( grep{ /_quantity$/ } keys %fields );
    $unit{$book} = sprintf( "%.2f", $price - sprintf( "%.2f", $price * $rate ));
    $unit{"$book total"} =
      sprintf( "%.2f", $fields{"${book}_quantity"}[0] * $unit{$book});
    $unit{subtotal} += $unit{"$book total"};
    return $unit{$book};

  sub _unit_total ($)
    my $book = shift;
    croak "Unknown book $book" unless exists $price{$book};
    return $unit{"$book total"} if $unit{"$book total"};
    _unit($book) && return $unit{"$book total"};

  sub _subtotal
    croak "Subtotal called too early" unless defined $unit{subtotal};
    return ( sprintf("%.2f", $unit{subtotal}) );


quantity    0 - 9        0%
quantity    10 - 19     25%
quantity    20 - 199    40%
quantity    200 - 499   50%
quantity    500+        55%
price   rkh     $15.95
price   rkp     $6.95
price   rmh     $15.95
price   rmp     $6.95
price   rbh     $15.95
price   rbp     $6.95
shipping   0 - 0        $0
shipping   1 - 2        $4
shipping   3 - 6        $6
shipping   7 - 10       $8
shipping  11 - 20       $10
shipping  21 - 30       $12
shipping  31 - 40       $16

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