
        I am having a problem with the following piece of code:

Current Net::Pcap is setup to have a capture limit of 1. So if 1 packet is received my script exits and prints the message "time out did not occure. But if a packet arrives after the timeout it prints "time out occured".

But with use of the alarm function, should it not be exiting after 10 seconds even if a packet has not been received ??

eval {
        local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
        alarm 10;
                Net::Pcap::loop($pcap_t, 1, \&packet_cap_process, 'dhcp');
        alarm 0;
        } ;
        if ($@) {
                die unless $@ eq "alarm\n";
                print "Time out occured\n";           
        } else {
                print "Time out did not occue\n";



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