* code 'paraphrased' for simplicity *

Hi all,

I have a script which goes to a subroutine. Within the subroutine, there exists:

$pid = fork;
push(@pids, $pid);
unless ($pid)
      my $var = new Object;
      if (not $var->method_that_evokes_a_child()) {Exit;}
      exit 2;

where the Exit subroutine exits with a number other than 2. The parent process (before this subroutine is called), does a

$foo = waitpid $pids[$count], &WNOHANG;

and handles each child's return value.

The problem I am having:

CHILD_ERROR (or $?) on the outside of the subroutine is using the value from the child-evoking-method, ignoring the exit code I am giving. For example, if method_that_evokes_a_child exits with '1', the main parent gets '1' from its child, rather than '2' (the argument passed to 'exit()') if method was successful.

So, perhaps I'm confused with how the final "exit" of a child behaves with regard to $?. If I don't call the child-evoking method, the original parent gets the "exit" code of the child. I want this to be the case even when I call the child-evoking method. Why does it not do this, and how can I 'fix' it?

If anyone understands what I'm trying to explain, any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


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