On Friday 09 September 2005 08:01, Matthew Sacks wrote:
> Greetings,
> I want to send mail from my perl code. (Boy, that's
> really unusual....)
> I am thinking using mail::mailer.
> I need a bit more info than what I have so far found
> in the online documentation  (perldoc -q mail).
> Where I can I find some advice?
> E.G., there is always an example of code that defines
> a $to argument.  but can $to be a list of addresses?
> (a group, that is).  Can $to be a list of 100 email
> addresses?
> Do I have to think about tuning my sendmail daemon?
> It is starting automatically upon boot, of course

        Please try using the perl module Mail::Sendmail which is a nice one.


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