Hi John!

--- "John W. Krahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here is one way to do it:
> my @array = qw( favorite lessfavorite worstfavorite
> );
> while ( <DATA> ) {
>     chomp;
>     my @fields = map length() ? $_ : 'NA', split
> /:/, $_, -1;
>     next unless @fields == @array;
>     my %pairs;
>     @pairs{ @array } = @fields;
>     print map( "$_: $pairs{$_} ", @array ), "\n";
>     }
> __DATA__
> dog:cat:bird
> ::
> one::three
> four:five:

I'm just so glad it worked perfect! But I'm just
amazed about it that I really want to know how did you
figured it out.
So far here's the working code:

use warnings;
use strict;

my $input = shift @ARGV;
my $output = shift @ARGV;
my @attributes = qw(ipNetworkNumber  Prefix 
ipNetmaskNumber Range  BID PID ipAssignedTo
                   description RID Region Area SID 
ipAllocStatus manager ipAssignedDate
                   TID ipNetworkType 2ndOF inetNum );

open INPUT, "$input" or die $!;
open OUTPUT, ">$output" or die $!;

while (<INPUT>){


#This line is too tricky for me, all I know is that it
has a ternary hook operator which returns $_ if the
expression my @fields = map length() is true,
otherwise, substitute empty fields with 'NA'. I looked
into perldoc -f map as well as length() and as far as
I can only understand, an empty argument pass to
length will make use of $_. While the 'map' as used in
example on perldoc would translate a list of numbers
to their corresponding character using this line:

 @chars = map(chr, @nums);

Would you mind explaining me how did you tell it to
substitute empty cells with 'NA' using the line below?
I just can't seem to find any sort of like this
substitution using, 's/ /NA/g'

my @fields = map length() ? $_ : 'NA', split /:/, $_,

next unless @fields == @attributes;
my %pairs; 
@pairs{ @attributes } = @fields;
print OUTPUT map( "$_: $pairs{$_}\n", @attributes ),

Thank you very much for your time. I will just try to
figure out the rest of your codes myself.

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