On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, David Swiderski wrote:

> I tried to view the perl demo at the link you provided in your email
> http://www.pcug.org.au/~rcook/tute.cgi
> and WAS unable to GET TO THE DEMO to view it.

Fair enough, but you didn't say in what way you couldn't view that.
Just a couple of text boxes that when the email one was filled in and a
submission made, you got a response

> I'm not quite clear on exactly what the sample code does at this point being
> a newbie but what I'm understanding, I don't need to write a new complete
> perl script but just need to edit the existing script deleting a portion of
> it and inserting some new code into the script.  Do I have that correct?

Fair enough, as a newbie then, I suspect you have a steep learning curve
to scale. What you are trying to achieve is slightly outside newbie

Your understanding is incorrect, you have
a) a html page that points to a processing script
b) and you have to do a fair bit of editing to get it to work on the web
c) other immediate questions, does your webserver execute .pl as cgi
scripts, and can you change the permissions to allow it to be executable?

> At this point, I believe what the objective of the new bit of code is to
> accomplish is to display the web form within the script and process the
> information that the user provides.  Do I still need to use the original
> html form that I created and if so, do I have to pull the form into the
> script?

No, the idea is that your form is in the same script as your processing.

anyway, I wish you well. Do read perldoc CGI as a starter to better
understanding cgi and all that


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