Frank Geueke, III wrote:
> Hi everyone.


> Okay, so maybe this one is a silly question.  I have a
> fairly large script and I have a bunch of places where
> I'm following a reverse if with a normal else and perl
> keeps complaining about it.  It seems to make sense to
> me, but I guess its bad syntax.  Here is one of them:
> display_nothing() if ($match_type eq 'none');
> else
> {
> }
> Now I like the reverse if because it takes up one line
> instead of four (I like braces on their own lines -
> see else).  But this error...
> syntax error at
> /usr2/login/fjg/hotspot_tracker/search_by_ip_or_mac.cgi
> line 70, near "else"
> ...keeps coming up.  Is there a way to keep the
> reverse if and use an else (or something like it) that
> anyone knows of?

The if statement modifier is just another way to write a logical and statement:

$ perl -MO=Deparse -e' display_nothing() if $match_type eq q/none/ '
display_nothing() if $match_type eq 'none';
-e syntax OK
$ perl -MO=Deparse -e' $match_type eq q/none/ and display_nothing() '
display_nothing() if $match_type eq 'none';
-e syntax OK
$ perl -MO=Deparse -e' $match_type eq q/none/ && display_nothing() '
display_nothing() if $match_type eq 'none';
-e syntax OK

use Perl;

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