
Umesh T G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Below is my index.pl

Some comments:

> #!/usr/bin/perl

# consider using -T fpr taint mode
use strict;
use warnings;

# consider using the CGI module, too.

> use Env;
> print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n\n";

One \n too many.

> chdir("/path/to/dir");

Always check the return value of a syscall.

> @files=`ls -1`; ## load all the html files..
> print "<html>\n";
> print "<head>\n";
> print <<END_SCRIPT;
>       <script>
>               function submit_form()
>                {      
>                 document.show_files.submit();
>                 setTimeout(\"document.show_files.reset()\",3);
>                }
>       </script>

You should really put all static parts of your page into a here document
instead of mixing here documents and extra print statements. Also the
escapes for the double-quotes are not necessary.

> print "</head>";
> print "<body>\n";
> print "<FORM NAME=\"show_files\" ACTION=\"display.pl\" METHOD=\"POST\"
> target=\"_blank\" onsubmit=\"submit_form()\" >"; print "<p>\n</p>";

That would also enable you to use quotes freely instead of having
to quote them. In any case, you should look up the qq() operator.


> This is my display.pl file...
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> &parse_form_data (*simple_form);

use CGI; instead.


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