Jay Savage wrote:
> On 8/27/05, Gomez, Juan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I have a problem need to work with date
>> I have a input like these :   20050829 and I need to change it to
>> something like this : Aug 29 2005 
>> but it still eludes me how to do that
>> can anyone help me please?
>> thanks
>> Armando
> Take a look at the Date::Manip module:
        Understood, but quite a bit of routine for getting the date out in the 
format that Armando wants.  If he had alot of date manipultion, okay, but this 
the unapck and a simple array of month names would be much easy and alot less 

Wags ;)
>     #!/usr/bin/perl
>     use warnings;
>     use strict;
>     use Date::Manip;
>     my $date = UnixDate(ParseDate("20050829"), "%b %e %Y");
>     print "$date\n";
> See perldoc Date::Manip for the details. Roll you own solutions are
> faster for specific conversions, but if you're oging to be doing a lot
> of date conversions, Date::Manip is your friend.
> HTH,
> -- jay
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