Bobby Jafari wrote:
Hi All,

I am looking for a suitable Perl Book to buy. I use Perl mainly for
running test scripts on Telecommunications based products. I use
Net::SNMP and Net::Telnet extensively.
I also need a book on a good GUI Interface for Perl. Is TK a good
option? What are other GUI support available for Perl? What other books
are available that are specifically Aimed at GUI design for Perl

Thanks heaps for your feedback ( In advance (:-) )


I don't have an answer that specific. I can only tell you what has worked well for me.

There is a Perl CD from O'Reilly that incorporates a number of their books onto disk. This is recommended as it can take you through a wide range of proficiency from n00b to Pro.

Damian Conway has a cool book on Object Oriented Perl that I like.

But for something as specific as telecommunications: If you need something more perl specific you are probably best off with perldocs of the modules of concern. Otherwise I would probably start with the O'Reilly books on Networking. (It is also on a CD).

I personally have been working on some code related to IMAP and SMTP. This code while heavily dependent on specific modules, it's all come down to RTFM the perldoc and RFC related to the subject. Books are just summaries of the former and when you are coding for real, you need the specifics.

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