I have been trying to sort a hash but I cannot figure it out for the
life of me


The hash is in the form:

my %message {

                        messageid {      From        =>

                                                To            =>  

                                                To_Num    => 'Int'

                                                Sub_IP     =>

                                                Subject     =>




Right now my sort is looking like

foreach (sort {$message{$_}->{'To_Num'}[$a] <=>
$message{$_}->{'To_Num'}[$b]} keys (%message)) {



I know it doesn't work, and I'm not sure if that's the proper way to do
it, maybe you guys could give me a little insight


On second thought $_ is not initialized yet in the foreach loop,

foreach (sort {$message{$a} cmp $message{$b}} keys (%message)) {

foreach (sort {$message{$_}->{'To_Num'}[$a] <=>
$message{$_}->{'To_Num'}[$b]} keys (%message)) {







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