Hi, thanks Marcello :)
I finally figured it out by painfully following 10 sets of data through the process.
First, this was causing two problems:
#now cycle through result set in next query
foreach $myhsid (@hsid)
        $myhport = pop(@hport);
        $myhmac = pop(@hmac);
        print "trying $myhsid $myhport $myhmac\n";
Foreach was only iterating through UNIQUE instances of $myhsid. So the whole dataset was not used. Also I was pop'ing two values from the set, while foreach was iterating through the other array TOP DOWN, where pop goes BOTTOM UP. D'oh!

So I ended up with something like:
for ([EMAIL PROTECTED]; $count !=0; $count--) {

So now I get the count from @hsid, and then pop all arrays so the datasets stay matched :) Unfortunately the database is huge. When I left work Friday my script was still running after about 30 hours. It looks like 'order by hdate desc limit 1' is a LOT SLOWER than 'order by hdate limit 1' for some reason. Must be internal MySQL stuff...



From: Marcello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: October 5, 2005 11:35:16 AM EDT
To: beginners@perl.org
Subject: Re: mysql through dbi problem

linc ha scritto:
I'm having some serious trouble.  I'm running a query and getting the
data, but having problems using that data in the next query.  Thus:
#first query
$sth = $dbh->prepare
        ( "select distinct hmac, hport, hsid from netdata_history" );
$sth->execute(  );
        ( undef, \$hmac, \$hport, \$hsid );
while ( ( $hmac, $hport, $hsid ) = $sth->fetchrow_array )
        push @hsid, $hsid;
        push @hport, $hport;
        push @hmac, $hmac;

You are using bind_columns and fetchrow_array together.
I bet this is causing you trouble.
DBI.pm documentation (bind_columns section) suggests something like:

my ( $hmac, $hport, $hsid );
$sth->bind_columns( \$hmac, \$hport, \$hsid );
while($sth->fetch) {
        push(@hsid, $hsid);
        push(@hport, $hport);
        push(@hmac, $hmac);

Otherwise, leave out the bind_columns part:

my ( $hmac, $hport, $hsid );
while ( ( $hmac, $hport, $hsid ) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
        push(@hsid, $hsid);
        push(@hport, $hport);
        push(@hmac, $hmac);

#now cycle through result set in next query
foreach $myhsid (@hsid)
        $myhport = pop(@hport);
        $myhmac = pop(@hmac);
        print "trying $myhsid $myhport $myhmac\n";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare
                ( "select * from netdata_history
                        where hsid=" . $dbh->quote( $myhsid ) . "
                        and hport=" . $dbh->quote( $myhport ) . "
                        and hmac=" . $dbh->quote( $myhmac ) . "
                        order by hdate limit 1" )
                or die "Can't execute SQL statement: $DBI::errstr\n";
        $sth->execute(  );
                ( undef, \$hdateoldest, \$hsidoldest, \$hportoldest, \
$hmacoldest, \$hipoldest )
        or die "Can't execute SQL statement: $DBI::errstr\n";
while ( ( $hdateoldest, $hsidoldest, $hportoldest, $hmacoldest,
$hipoldest ) = $sth->fetchrow_array )
        warn "Data fetching terminated early by error: $DBI::errstr\n"
                if $DBI::err;
        print "oldest for this combination $hdateoldest\n";
So, my first query gets the distinct list of unique sets for those three
My next query seems to get empty sets returned! In other words, "oldest
for this combination" never prints.  Is there something about using
@hsid as the iterator in the foreach?  Is it making the data I send to
the query in $myhsid out of sequence or reverse order from the data in
the other two arrays?
I also wonder if any of the fields I'm returning are null, does that
affect things?
Anyways, I've rewritten this several times. I don't know why my queries
are coming back with empty sets.  Shouldn't it be impossible to get an
empty set since the data is coming from the database in the first query?
Any pointers appreciated.

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