On Wed, 12 Oct 2005, Luinrandir wrote:

ok this is the code i have so far

there it is... since i don't know how to call/capture/open the web page and
get the HTML to a variable, there is not much I can do.
Once I get the HTML into a var.. i can do the rest.

as to moduals.. i barly know perl.. much less moduals..
LWP has no meaning to me... don't know what it does

So... as I said, try a search engine search for the term. It will take you about five seconds to get started, and thirty to have a decent answer to your question. Within five minutes, you should be well on your way to having the problem solved.

I *could* just answer your question for you, but then you're going to come back to the list for every step along the way in writing your code. If, on the other hand, you figure out how to seek out your own answers for the basic questions, then you'll not need our help.

I'm not trying to be a pain in the butt, I'm trying to help you. Trust me, you're better off learning how to answer questions yourself with a simple Google search. It won't always work, but in most cases, it will, and it will get your results faster than repeating a FAQ to a mailing list that has already been asked and answered a million times.

Chris Devers

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