On Thu, 13 Oct 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I need to perl scriptcode which is convert XML file to txt(TEXT). 
> Please any body help me how can i find or write this converter.

Search Google for Perl's XML modules.

XML::Simple might be a good one to start with.

Look it up, read the documentation, get it installed, then try it out. 

If you have problems, show us the code you've tried, and we can try to 
help you.

If you need more help, you have to specify [a] what you've written so 
far (this list is not a free script writing service), and [b] exactly 
what you need to accomplish (as another person noted, XML is already a 
text format, so you need to clarify what you want your result to be).  

Also, in the future, asking one list is plenty. A lot of people are on 
both the beginners and beginners-cgi list, so there's no need to ask us 
the same question twice. This question doesn't appear to have anything 
to do with CGI programming, so I'm deleting that CC.

Again, if you have problems, show us the code you've tried, and we can 
try to help you.

Chris Devers

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