Hi There;
i have this problem of space in my program. The program requires a user to send in Either GU1 or TR1. When they send GU1 or TR1 it accepts it and that is fine. But My concern is; if they send GU 1 or TR 1(Leaving spaces before the number) then the program doesn't accept. It goes straight to the else statement. Please check the code, i'm a begginer in programming please  someone help me.. 
This is just part of the code;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use DBI;
$dsn= "dbi:mysql:db_manofthematch:localhost";
my $user= "mysql";
my $password = "mysql123";
$dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$user,$password);
##################################GET ARGS ##########################
$msg = $ARGV[1];
$source = $ARGV[0];
$msg =~ s/\"/'/igx;
$time = localtime();
open (OUTFILE ,">>C:\\logs\\man.txt");
print OUTFILE "$time\t$source\t$msg\n";
$found = 0;
############################ GU ####################################
if (($msg=~ /gu1/i) && ($msg !~ /gu1[0123456789]+/i))
 $vote = 'gu1';
 $found = 1;
 print ".Erro.........................";
Please help me.......

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