Hi Perlers

Could you please tell me how to check  a particular character is not 
present in the each element of array in one go ...........I mean not going 
to eamine each and every element of the array............means by loop 

I dont want to use the for or while loop methods for validating 

By loop method I think we can simply do by this method....

my @array = ('word','woad','wobd');
foreach my $i (0 ..$#array){
if ($i  !~  /r/ ){
print  "The  test passed entry is $_ \n";
print "The failed element is $i \n";

But I am looking for alternative of this method...............instead of 
looking for each and every element.......can we do st. away...........in 
one go..........
or if we can do my some dbi  module........by  writing any sql..(as I 
don't have much idea for query language so I dont know whether this thing 
can be done by tht or not)............

I want this thing in this manner as I have to make sure the particular 
character (better say the delimiter which I am using in my flat file is 
not present there,in database, already ).

I think I have cleared each n everything if still  some confusion just let 
me know...............all the suggestions r most welcome.................

Mayank Ahuja
Team Member
Tata Consultancy Services Limited
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