Rafael Morales wrote:
> Yes it works but I also need to print the files with values with
> '0', and your code just prints the files that have values different
> of '0', for example when I use your code I got this:
> 2005-09-19 - NA - 56 - 788
> 2005-09-19 - NA - 43 - 540
> 2005-09-19 - NE - 10 - 975
> 2005-09-19 - SP - 23 - 321
> But I need these too:
> 2005-09-19 - NCW - 0 - 0
> 2005-09-19 - S - 0 - 0
> 2005-09-19 - SE - 0 - 0
> How can I get them all ???

I don't know.  I don't know what your data looks like or how you are parsing
it or what the contents of %hash really are.

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