Charles K. Clarkson recently replied to Sreedhar Reddy in which one of the corrections he made was:

open my $fh, '<', $input_file or die qq(Cannot open "$input_file": $!);

It seems that Charles' habits are to prevent excess typing and to 'be lean on variables' as he phrased it I believe.

When I have opened a file, I have always done:

open (FILE, $file) || die "Cannot open $file :$!";

A couple of things different.
- I use a FILEHANDLE, where Charles used a variable.
- Charles explicitly said the file was being opened for reading. My understanding is that is the default. I assume that Charles did this for clarity. - Charles opted to use qq() which cause him to have to enclose the $input_file in "".

My question is, which way is better, and why is it better? My assumption is Charles' method is better, but I would appreciate knowing why.



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