i'm modifying a script to run on a sun box that i do not have
privileges to install modules in the normal perl paths.  subsequently
i installed DBI.pm into a modules subdir under my home dir.  below are
the 2 relevant lines:

use lib "$ENV{HOME}/modules/DBI";

our $mysql_dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:host=x.x.x.x", "user",
"password", {RaiseError => 1});

this is the error msg i get:

Can't modify subroutine entry in scalar assignment at ./ca-cisco line
64, near ");"

line 64 being the "our $mysql_dbh..." line (yes the host is a valid ip address).

this does work on a linux box with DBI installed in the standard
location, so what do i need to do to get this to work where DBI is
recognized by the script but not in the normal location?
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