Hello, Rob.

On Nov 9, 2005, at 10:49 AM, Rob.Savino wrote:

I'm working on a simple script to get a list of users who do not exist

while (<>) {
At this point, $_  ends with "\n".

        $user = system("echo $_");

This statement will set $user to the returned value from system(),
which will be a numeric two-byte return code.

        $result = system("dsquery user -samID $_");

$result at this point will also be a two-byte return code.  It will
likely be non-zero, because you are querying for a value that
has a "\n" at the end of the actual value you really wanted
to query for.

if (!$result) {
        print "$user\n";

Here is my problem,

dsquery user -samID should return nothing if a user does not exist. I
was hoping the script would print $user only if there was no $result
from dsquery user -samID. However, not only does it print every $user
regardless of the was not $result, it also prints every $result.

Can someone tell me why this is?




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