On Nov 13, ZHAO, BING said:

opendir GOP, "SCRATCH/BACKUP" or die "cannot open directory SCRATCH/BACKUP:$!";
my @smm=grep{($_ ne ".") && ($_ ne "..")} readdir GOP;
foreach (@smm){
   my($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime,
        $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat($_);
   print $ctime;
} closedir GOP;

This piece of code WORKS when I point opendir GOP to the current directory. But it DOESN"T work when I point to the subdirectory SCRATCH/BACKUP within the current directory. It's tricky. And " print $_ " successfully prints out the files in SCRATCH/BACKUP dir.

It prints the NAME of the file. But that file doesn't exist in the current directory, it exists in the SCRATCH/BACKUP directory. You need to prepend the directory path to the filename:

  foreach (@files) {
    my $ctime = (stat "SCRATCH/BACKUP/$_")[10];

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